Fixed Rules

This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.

Fixed Rules can be set up for your pharmacy's base pricing or for specific Third Parties. Within the general Pharmacy or Third Party row, additional rules can be set up for different drug categories and/or Custom Classes. For example, you can set up a Fixed Rule for the Pharmacy row and have it apply to all Schedule I drugs, or set up one for Cash and have it apply to all Schedule I drugs with the Antibiotics Custom Class.

Adding a Fixed Rule

To add a Fixed Rule:

  1. Select More > PricingStrategies tab.

  2. Use one of the following options:

    If you try to add a Pricing Strategy that already exists, a validation error will appear to alert you that the Strategy is duplicated. The row will not be added.

  3. Optional: enter a name for the Pricing Strategy.

    You can view the name of the Pricing Strategy when you hover over the row on the pricing tree.

  4. Dropdown the Cost Method field and select the hierarchy for the cost methods. You can base prescription costs on the acquisition cost of the drug (ACQ), eligibility price of the drug (ELI), or supplier cost of the drug (SUP). When the primary cost is not available in the Drug Folder, the second cost method is used.

    If you select ACQ/SUP/ELI, Propel Rx checks for an acquisition cost to base the prescription price on. If there is no acquisition cost, Propel Rx checks for a supplier cost. If there is no supplier cost, the price is based on the eligibility price.

  5. Enter the following information, where applicable:

    • Fee - the dispensing fee to apply to prescriptions.

    • Markup% - the percentage of markup you want to apply to the base cost of the drug.

    • Additional Markup - applies a markup to the Mixing Charge and Mixing $/Minute in additional to the Markup% for mixtures.

    • Mixing Charge - the flat-rate mixing charge for mixtures.

    • Mixing $/Minute - the cost per minute mixing charge for mixtures.

      Mixing Charge and Mixing $/Minute are added to the cost of a prescription in Ontario and Saskatchewan pharmacies. In all other provinces, it is added to the fee.

  6. Select Save.

Editing a Fixed Rule

When you edit a parent Fixed Rule, the child rows that inherited the values in the Fixed Rule are updated as well.

To view which child rows are affected when you update a parent Fixed Rule, select TAB on your keyboard after entering the new value for the parent Fixed Rule. A prompt will appear indicating which child rows will be affected.

When you edit a child Fixed Rule to be different from its parent, the value(s) entered appear in blue. By default, when a Pricing Strategy is created, the Fixed Rules are inherited from the parent Pricing Strategy and appear in black.

To edit a Fixed Rule:

  1. Select More > Pricing > Strategies tab.

  2. Select the applicable row in the pricing tree.

  3. Edit the following information, where applicable:

    • Fee - the dispensing fee to apply to prescriptions.

    • Markup% - the percentage of markup you want to apply to the base cost of the drug.

    • Additional Markup - applies a markup to the Mixing Charge and Mixing $/Minute in additional to the Markup% for mixtures.

    • Mixing Charge - the flat-rate mixing charge for mixtures.

    • Mixing $/Minute - the cost per minute mixing charge for mixtures.

      Mixing Charge and Mixing $/Minute are added to the cost of a prescription in Ontario and Saskatchewan pharmacies. In all other provinces, it is added to the fee.

  4. Select Save.

Removing a Fixed Rule

A Fixed Rule can be removed by deleting the Pricing Strategy. This removes the Capped and Variable Rules, Waive Rules, as well as all child Pricing Strategies underneath the selected Pricing Strategy.

To delete a Pricing Strategy:

  1. Select More > Pricing > Strategies tab.

  2. Select the applicable row in the pricing tree.

  3. Select Remove. A prompt appears asking you to confirm the deletion of the Pricing Strategy.

  4. Select Yes.

  5. Select Save.

Examples of Fixed Rules